Iam a disco dancer

i am disco dancer
i am disco dancer
i am disco dancer
my song is life
I’m in love with someone
dance… dance
come dance… sing with me
i am disco dancer
i am disco dancer

These people say I used to sing even then
When the words were not known…
These feet are mine, even then they used to dance
When I could not walk…
Lyrics is fun in my youth
there is dance in my blood
here my defeat, here my victory
This is my song…
dance… dance
come dance sing with me
i am disco dancer
i am disco dancer

In the fame of two days, in the fun of centuries
want funful youth.
Hearts are thirsty, in such youth
Like meeting fire and water..
Why not be arbitrary at this age
cross the limits in the way of fun
Where love is, there my friend
May it be final wish
dance …. dance
come dance sing with me
i am disco dancer
i am disco dancer

Life is my song…
I’m in love with someone..
dance….. dance
come dance sing with me
i am disco dancer
i am disco dancer

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