A Cup of Tea

Have a cup of steaming tea

Who will be the one to sip with glee?

No matter your color, be it white or black,

Just hold me close, there’s nothing I lack.

No pain when you’re by my side,

Tararum Pumpum, Tararum Pumpum, Tararum Pumpum.

Chipakapum, chipakapum, Tararum Pumpum,

I’ll venture out in the morning light,

Planting a kiss upon your hand so bright.

Every moment, I recall,

The desires she yearns for, big or small.

I’ll venture out in the morning light,

Planting a kiss upon your hand so bright.

Every moment, her wishes I cherish,

I’ll live or die for her, no need to embellish.

In her presence, I find pure bliss,

Without her, everything’s amiss.

Whether you aspire to be fair or dark,

Just keep me deep within your heart.

No pain shall touch you, my dear,

Tararum Pumpum, Tararum Pumpum, Tararum Pumpum.

Chipakapum, chipakapum, Tararum Pumpum.

When I return under the night’s embrace,

She’ll open the gate, a sweet smile on her face.

Cradling me in her gentle hold,

She whispers, “Love you, darling,” untold.

Dressing up before my eyes,

Her day’s toil and work, she defies.

She’s enchanting, a sight to behold,

That’s my beloved, my partner, I’m told.

Whether you aspire to be fair or dark,

Just keep me deep within your heart.

No pain shall touch you, my dear,

Tararum Pumpum, Tararum Pumpum, Tararum Pumpum.

Chipakapum, chipakapum, Tararum Pumpum.

Have a cup of steaming tea,

Whose lips shall it meet? You or me?

Whether you aspire to be fair or dark,

Just keep me deep within your heart.

No pain shall touch you, my dear,

Tararum Pumpum, Tararum Pumpum, Tararum Pumpum.

Chipakapum, chipakapum, Tararum Pumpum.

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